
NNine メンズファッション通販。カジュアルなカップルコーディネート写真。黒のジャケットの男性とベージュブルゾンの女性。大人のオシャレをテーマにしたバナー広告。

Favorite list registration function implementation

Thank you for always using NNINE.

A favorite list registration function has been implemented in the shop.


■ How to use




* You do not need to log in to use your favorite list, but after a certain period of time, there will be no saved list. If you register your favorite list while logged in, the registered list will continue to be saved, so please use it after logging in.
(No cost)


Each product

Located on the page, tap the [Favorite List] button to save it.


The saved list


You can check it in the list list.


[About the benefits of utilization]

・ You can always look back at the items you care about

・ If discounts or restocked, we will be notified.


NNine(ナイン)が運営する、20代、30代の方に向けて最新ファッションやライフスタイルにまつわる情報を発信していくオンラインメディア「NNine コラム」。リクエスト大歓迎。


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