2022 annual April 04/15/22 day
[Payment -related] Introduced postpaid padies!

The first customer has been worried about the arrival of the product,I have introduced a postpaid pady.
What is postpaid pady?
Paidy (Paidy) Payment of the following month is a service that allows you to pay after payment by online shopping.
Operated by Paidy Co., Ltd. We have introduced this settlement this time.
It's safe because you pay after the product arrives
The fact that you can pay after the product arrives is also the advantage of paying the next month.
For convenience stores and ATM payments that are common in mail order, the product is shipped after paying the price.
However, I think that there are times when you are worried whether you can reach it, and you can't trust the mail order site.
Even in such a case, if you pay the next month after Paidy, you will check the product and pay the price.
We have set up a guide page, etc., and explain the precautions for the use of NNINE, which is easy to understand,
If you are uneasy, by all means
Please try this payment method when ordering.